Dear Friends,

Jesus told his disciples during the Last Supper:
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:27

Standing in line to enter Home Depot.

Groceries for our friends in Quimixto.

Never in my lifetime have I experienced such trying, difficult days. Jesus, prior to his death on the Cross, encouraged His disciples to not allow their hearts to be troubled or fearful. Many people who are struggling during these days, wonder if they will ever have peace or a sense of well-being again! I can say honestly, if it weren’t for the Lord’s promises of protection and provision, I would likewise have little for which to hope. These are days that try our souls. Do we draw comfort from the various stories and statistics? Is our Hope in the Government to bail us out? Some people are fearful, others angry and defiant. These are days we need to ask ourselves “What do I believe in? Where can I go for answers? I can assure you, the only true source of comfort and peace is God’s Word and believing that Jesus is Lord of all. I see this as a season of Decision. Will we believe in Jesus and His promises of peace; or will we look in vain for all our needs to be met by mankind?

Our village schools are closed, so no lunch programs are happening; but we have been able to purchase, assemble, and send forty bags of groceries to the school parents in Quimixto. We are also helping some of the homeless and the needy we know here in Puerto Vallarta, as we make plans to give more help.

We thank those of you who have continued to give so faithfully and to support us in our efforts. You are in our prayers daily, and I do believe despite the sadness and sorrow of lost loved ones and trying times, we will endure!

Keep in touch with friends, encourage one another, and trust “This, too, shall pass!

Love and blessings,
Randy and Sandra Barr
Caring for Kids in Mexico

If you would like to help support our work with Caring for Kids in Mexico, or A Light to the Nations in Africa: Go to the Financial Support link and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, or mail your check made out to A Light to the Nations to:

Caring For Kids
313 Arbor Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185


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