Dear Friends,

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Celebrating Oliver’s birthday

Digestive System studies at Boca

What a great reminder as we enter into the Thanksgiving and Christmas Season! Let’s take time each day to give thanks for what God has given us: Air, hot and cold running water, our families, love, our beautiful World, and on and on.

Thanksgiving often centers on a great meal with family and friends, football games in the afternoon, and turkey sandwiches in the evening. Usually, it is a peaceful day. Remember to help Mom with the clean-up!

Christmas, though it is the time to remember our Savior’s birth, now seems to create stress, financial pressure, and huge crowds at the store. I encourage you not to allow the world and TV/Internet Ads to create an atmosphere of coveting and complaining rather than gratitude.

We all are blessed and have more than 99.9% of the world. This year, let’s be content with what we do have, and not desire what the world tells us we need.

Standing in line to get their ears “clicked”

Remembering those who have passed

Our Mexican school kids in Quimixto and Boca de Tomatlan are doing great this year and continue to be a source of joy each week. However, please pray for the teachers! They have not been paid—or only partially paid—their already small salaries for the past two months. It has been a difficult time for them, as some take on second jobs to earn money.

I am still preaching when needed, and we look forward to resuming our Bible Study during the high season when lots of snow birds return.

Our family reunion this summer

Thank You to our loyal Givers and special Friends who help us and the children every month. We pray for you and wish you a warm and wonderful Holiday Season as you give thanks and celebrate Christ’s birth.

Love and blessings,
Randy and Sandra Barr
Caring for Kids in Mexico

If you would like to help support our work with Caring for Kids in Mexico, or A Light to the Nations in Africa: Go to the Financial Support link and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, or mail your check made out to A Light to the Nations to:

Caring For Kids
313 Arbor Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185


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