Dear friends,

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Giving donated soccer balls at Quimixto school

Giving donated soccer balls at Quimixto school

As we enter this Thanksgiving Season, I pray each of us takes time to give thanks to God and to truly consider the many things we have for which to be thankful: our health, our families, our jobs, our salvation, and so much more. To take things for granted is a sad oversight. In a moment—the blink of an eye—our Security can be undone. For the past several weeks, I have had nagging injuries and pain, serving as a daily reminder that many people suffer long term pain and illnesses of all sorts. May we remember those we know and take time to comfort them, pray for them, and believe God for their relief.

Randy helping our pastor at a baptism

Randy helping our pastor at a baptism

God’s Blessings should also serve as a great source of Thanksgiving. We are so grateful for our faithful, generous Donors who have allowed us to renew our school lunch programs in Boca de Tomatlan and in Quimixto for 200 children. We have had a number of people who enjoy going out with us, meeting the kids, giving gifts to the schools such as soccer balls, supplies, etc.

Little DANTE from Boca is on the right

Little DANTE from Boca is on the right

Last week, Dante, one of the first grade boys in Boca followed Sandra around, giving her hugs, holding her hand, and receiving lots of love in return. We all need to be loved, to be hugged, and to know we matter. This is something we often pray on our way to the villages: “Lord, help us to truly love the children, help them to know we care, as we serve them.”

Our Fall/Winter Bible Study has resumed at a friend’s condo in the Marina area. We are picking out verses from the Gospel of John every week that ‘Challenge’ us to higher love and obedience, and that are ‘Key’ verses, summarizing the message of the chapter. At church, we are studying Ephesians and praying again and again the wonderful prayers in chapters 1 and 2. Randy will be preaching at our church again on November 30th.

Happy smiles and dimples

Happy smiles and dimples

We want to say, “Thank You!” and send our love to you for your support and prayers, allowing us to serve the wonderful children here in our part of Mexico. Please continue to pray for us and give as the Lord prospers and directs you.

Your sharing has caused many to give thanks to God!.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Randy and Sandra Barr


If you would like to help support our work with Caring for Kids in Mexico, or A Light to the Nations in Africa: Go to the Financial Support link and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, or mail your check made out to A Light to the Nations to:

Caring For Kids
313 Arbor Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185

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