Dear Friends,

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be
content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every
circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
I can do all things through Him Who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:11-13 ESV

Randy, Dana & Karman, Tanzania

Randy, Dana & Karman, Tanzania

What a faith-building declaration Paul shares with us! His life wasn’t based on circumstances but a confidence in God Who strengthened him in each scenario he faced.

This has been a year of blessing and blasting for San and me. This year I have seen thousands saved, healed, and delivered in Tanzania and Rwanda East Africa; miracles and provision astounding each of us involved in the outreach. We also completed our seventh year of providing school lunches in three small towns south of Puerto Vallarta, Boca de Tomatlan, Quimixto, and Yelapa. It has been wonderful to watch the children grow up and go on to middle school, to pray together before each meal, to get to know the teachers and work with wonderful cooks.

Randy and his little helpers

Randy and his little helpers

On the other hand, we also faced a lack of funds to continue the school lunch program this fall. There were times of the flu, back pain, and vertigo. We have questioned and doubted ourselves, and repented. We have sought the Lord and learned through this process greater trust, a willingness to release everything into God’s hands, and a confidence in His sovereign plan despite our inability to see clearly. We’ve been reminded this faith walk is taken one step at a time, and that His Word is a lamp that illumines our path step by step.

Randy and Sandra, kids and grandkids.

Randy and Sandra, kids and grandkids.

We THANK each of you who has prayed for us and given financially to our work. God has faithfully met every need we have faced. We are still involved in feeding children through our church’s program; also assisting in various areas of the church. Randy preached this Sunday; and will be helping with the distribution of donated Christmas gifts to 200 children from a needy colonia . We are also in the planning phase with another couple to start a home group this January in the Marina area of Vallarta.

We pray you have a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year! May you and your family rejoice in the Savior’s birth and continue to live by His grace and mercy.

Be encouraged, believe each promise He gives, put on the full armor, and press on to fulfill His call in your lives.

Love and blessings,

Randy and Sandra Barr

If you would like to help support our work with Caring for Kids in Mexico, or A Light to the Nations in Africa: Go to the Financial Support link and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, or mail your check made out to A Light to the Nations to:

Caring For Kids
313 Arbor Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185

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