Our 41st Anniversary

Dear Friends,

“Then He took a little child and put him in the midst of them.
And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them,
‘Whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me, and
whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him Who sent Me.’”

Mark 9:37

We feel so blessed to have begun our sixth year of ‘receiving children in Christ’s name’!

Our children

Forgive us for being out of touch lately. It has been a busy few months. I was in Kabale, UGANDA in July with Dana and Karman Morey and the ‘A Light to the Nations’ team (www.alighttothenations.com) . It was thrilling to bring the Gospel Festival to hundreds of thousands, and see God save and heal many hungry for Him. Then, we were blessed to be at our immediate family reunion at Adam’s house in Michigan. Likewise, in September, we were back to Africa, this time to Nairobi, Kenya. Our outreach was held in Kibera, one of the poorest slums in the world. Never had I seen such poverty and need, even worse than areas in Rio de Janeiro and India. The Lord was faithful in spite of many difficulties and spiritual battles. Approximately 350,000 people attended over the five nights with thousands committing their lives to follow Christ, and many miracles following.

Off to Africa

On my return from Africa I stopped in Chicago where I was privileged to perform a wedding for the children of two dear families from our former Church. (I had been the kids’ pastor from the time they were two and three years old!)

We recently were grateful to God for prayers answered when Hurricane JOVA lost its power and moved inland without damage to our area.

The children in our feeding program are doing well. The little ones and the older ones love to lead or add to the group prayer as we prepare to serve them. San and I derive great joy from our work here, and are blessed to see the growth of the children as well as the faithfulness of those who cook and serve with us!


Thank you so much for sharing with us. We ask that you consider donating to a program that helps hundreds of needy people every week. Through your generosity, many will be blessed.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH, and may you be blessed as you have been a blessing.


Randy and Sandra Barr

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