Dear Friends,

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.  Let your graciousness be known to everyone.  The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:4-7. ESV

Cooks in the background, teacher showing how to embroider

We pray this Spring season finds you free from anxiety, constant in prayer, filled with thanksgiving, and at peace with God.  The longer I live, the more I depend on the Lord to grant inner peace despite life’s circumstances.

Our school children continue to be a source of joy, and serving them is always an adventure.  Thank you for your faithful giving.

Embroidering Mother’s Day gifts

This year we are looking for donors willing to help with college scholarships for some of the graduating students.  We currently have one couple committed to the new scholarship program. Degrees from technical schools are very inexpensive, but may still be out of reach for a majority of the people with whom we have contact.  Learning English and completing a degree will open many doors.

Please keep our outreach team from A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS in your prayers as we prepare to go to Uganda, East Africa this July.  It is possible we will have the opportunity to present the Gospel to hundreds of thousands of people, and thousands of leaders.

PRAYER POINTS:  Cecelia, our first scholarship candidate, as she prepares for a big lifestyle change from with no cars, to a ‘busy’ city.

July outreach in Uganda:  that many would come to a saving faith in Christ and receive healing, protection for the team and those attending, and for financial provision for the outreach.

Again, thank you to those of you who give to the ministry.  We pray God’s peace and provision to be yours.

Love and blessings,

Randy and Sandra Barr

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