Dear Friends,

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

Quimixto Kinder teacher

The past few months have continued to devastate the Mexican economy.  The first blow came from the frightening reports of drug cartel murders near the American border.  Those stories began the gradual demise of tourism in our Coastal area.  The next punch came from the H1N1 influenza panic.  Again, tourists began changing their plans for a Mexican vacation resulting in many of our friends in Puerto Vallarta facing hunger and no funds for their rents and mortgages.  From April 29th to October 31st our airport reported 547 flights have or will be cancelled,  with a loss of as many as 157,428 visitors; and that is not counting 3-4 cruise ships per week which stopped coming.  The flu predictions were greatly overestimated: a blessing in that few were infected, but a curse in the fear produced, causing the Mexican government to close many already struggling businesses for 2-3 weeks.

Adam & Jen’s new baby, Daniel

We have begun to assist certain families with life’s basics of food and shelter.  One of our key helpers has received no income during the past 6-8 weeks because no tourist boats have been to his small village.  He has a wife whose work days have been cut in half, and 3 school age children.  It’s a simple equation:  no tourists = no money = no food.

Luke & Amy’s new baby, Dylon

As a result of closings during the flu scare, our school schedule has been extended to July 10th.  Let me assure you, the meals aren’t the only thing that will be hot!

Sandra is on her way to Chicago and Grand Rapids for 2 weeks to visit our new grandsons, Dylan and Daniel.  I will be holding down the fort until we gather with our family in August.  Hopefully, I will be able to see a number of you during our vacation time.

Please keep us in your prayers, as we pray for you.  And please give as the Lord directs.  We will continue feeding the schools and helping those in dire need.




PS from Sandra:  We have a wonderful praise report.  In our last letter we asked for money to buy and deliver the cement for the floor of the church in Quimixto.  Praise God, it has all been provided!  We also received the offer of a van to use for the Missions Team from Corinth Reformed Church, so they don’t have to rent one.  We will be working with them and Adam, our son, June 20-27th.  One of the team speaks Spanish fluently and will help translate as we give out New Testaments to all the school children.  It will be an exciting time, for which we ask your prayers.  THANK YOU so much for helping us,  for your generosity and prayer support.  In Psalms, God promises to keep us alive in famine, so we are praying and believing He will help all of us through these tough economic times.

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